Today I have been looking at my old Bretonians. I have come to the startling realisation that I can use so many as a Lion Rampant base for an army! YES I know it is not all a straight swap. My Grail knights on Pegussi (Not sure how to spell the plural of Pegasus ) for example cannot be used! And while not a balanced force I can field the following.

60 Longbowmen. Yes some shall need a repaint. Typically the ones I Picture.
I have an additional 3 units that just need dusting of and re-organising. I shall come to those in a later post no doubt.

Each of these units shall need re-paining, tidying up and different liveries! Blue and white is so 5 years ago! Actually I shall put them in different liveries so they actually look like a different force, and nothing to do with fashion. My other 36 are all in Red and Blue so feel free to suggest another colour scheme if you want. But these shall be a different force so a re-paint in different colours is needed.
More of these in a future post! But that is a total of 8 points and should (I hope) be quick to finish>
These knights need a tidy up (and in some cases a glue). But 6 Mounted "Men at arms" (yes I could if I chose use them as Mounted Sergeants). All the Comparisons on the horses match and I have 4 left over. Again they have a blue and red motif and while they do not have helmets a quick tidy up is all they really need. And sort out the banner! It is Just possible I shall get rid of the yellow stripe! Time will tell!

The last unit. Again in need of some slight refurbishment is another 6 mounted "Men at arms". Yes the banner does need some work but not much ad mostly regluing! As you can tell I was on my very big flag phase. Yes it is quite a whopper! (About 2x as long as a horse From main to extreme end of it's tail).A bit of work to do but not all that much! I Might if the mood takes me address the green knight as the rest are either red, blue or Yellow as a dominant colour and the green seems out of place.
I think I still have a few knights from the GW Bretonia range lurking unpainted in forgotten boxes so I shall need to look them out asap!
So here id what I shall be working on in my quiet moments if not over-come with eat ! 2 units of archers. And a tidy up of the mounted figures. Considering they have not been out of the box for 15 years I do not feel to sad to notice a few things I would do differently and a few repaints and repairs! But as we all know there is always more to do when it comes to wargames.