This just about brings my excision into ECW to an end. Yes I still have a few figures to paint only 1 pore Pikeman and he is missing a pike. (I shall replace the pike and then get him painted) and 4 more with shotte, but I have enough for now and that is all I need. (For now). I will get the others finished at some point, just not the foreseeable future.

So we have 2 more shotte and 1 more pike. I have enjoyed painting them and that is a wonderful thing for me as I have spent about 40 years avoiding the ECW in all wargames. So you never know maybe it is time to dip my toe.
All the figures are 28mm Warlord games and come from a single sprue. They are intended by me to be for En Garde but may well end up being used for another propose , time will tell. They are on 25mm square slotta bases. I just used what I had and the overall effect is acceptable to me. And that is the main thing after all. I am not looking to win any prizes except my own happiness. Perhaps that is the biggest Prize.
As soon as the weather picks up I do intend to start making some scenery. So as this is officially the first day of spring I hope to get on with that very soon. I checked in the shed yesterday I think I have enough mateerials for a 4' square board. If so I will document it step by step on the blog.
Thanks for looking today and more again soon I hope. All the Best Clint