Final picture is all Zombies and survivors painted this season. I know It is not much but real life got in the way.
Saturday, 27 October 2018
Final picture is all Zombies and survivors painted this season. I know It is not much but real life got in the way.
Thursday, 25 October 2018
FSE Mortar crews (and Update).
Two Mortars and crew for my Federal States Europa force. Each consist of 2 crew and an automatic Mortar. Needless to say being sci fi the crews do not need to be on the same base as the mortar moreso they can fire it indirectly and even from inside a vehicle which may be parked over the horizon. Maybe with the right set up even from Orbit perhaps of another planet.
here fore 2-4 Mortars and crews can fit in a single vehicle. Although at present I only have 2 mortars.
Following the show I did a small order as you can see in the pic. They arrived very swiftly and shall be assembled this weekend. The new "Fitters Truck" does need some clutter added to it in the form of Tarps and boxes and the like so it MAY take some time before you see it, but rest assured it is now on the way. So more of this another time. All of which means for now just 3 more posts and I shall have it all done for Gruntz. (Yeah I believe that too... NOT!) There is bound to be more, infract I am already planning terrain wise and figure wise!
I have also opened the 7TV and now know everything is there. This was not really a concern as I could feel from the weight it was not empty, but this does stop me being disappointed!
That's it for today and I plan and hope to get back to normal soon. At least in regard to posting on tis blog.
Thanks for looking and I had better get on with Zombtobet painting as soon as possible.
All the best Clint
Tuesday, 23 October 2018
SELWG show games.
As always I did not get photos of ALL of the games and some will be mislabelled. Bear with me and if you KOW better please feel free to leave a comment.
Photos have been cropped where appropriate to cut people out. Almost all the games were good to see even if they were not a period I was excited by.
Number of Photos does vary bu does not indicate my preference in any way... Batteries were running out!
So here we are in the Order I took the Photos and not in any order of Merit at all. That is for the viewer to decide.
Upper Hall

Main Hall
Thanks for looking and I shall have a few wrong, but at least you get an overview.
I missed a few games out, most notably the Too Fat Lardies, what a Tanker and another couple as well.
Oh well worse things happen at sea. Thank goodness I am nota sailor!
Photos have been cropped where appropriate to cut people out. Almost all the games were good to see even if they were not a period I was excited by.
Number of Photos does vary bu does not indicate my preference in any way... Batteries were running out!
So here we are in the Order I took the Photos and not in any order of Merit at all. That is for the viewer to decide.
Tunbridge Well Wargames societ |
Upper Hall
Society of Anchients |
Streatham and Tooting Wargamers |
Russian Civil war navy (I believe) |
Shepway Wargames |
A big "Middle Earth "battle |
Newbury and Reading |
Skirmish at Staplethorpe |
South London Warlords |
NECROMUNDA Participation. |
Main Hall
Deal wargamers China Japan 1937 |
The Pit Gaming shop |
7TV |
Simon Miller |
For King and Parliment |
Peter Pig |
Western 15mm |
Tonbridge Wargames Club |
Hungarian Revolt 1860 |
The League of Anti Alchemists |
Great Terrain |
Maidstone Wargames club |
Zeebrugger Raid |
Malta 1/300 air war |
Crawley wargames |
Tanks! |
Botham's First Action |
Loughton Strikeforce - Kawanakajima 1561 |
28mm Samurai attle |
Friday Night Fire-Fight Club Chinese Mythi9c naval |
Gasland with Zombies |
Essex Warriors |
Thanks for looking and I shall have a few wrong, but at least you get an overview.
I missed a few games out, most notably the Too Fat Lardies, what a Tanker and another couple as well.
Oh well worse things happen at sea. Thank goodness I am nota sailor!
For more accurate and considered opinions Look here
Sunday, 21 October 2018
Zombtober 18-03 (And SELWG loot)
So I fulfilled my quota and did manage to get a zombie painted before I went. Here he is, based when I got back and Photographed in the dark! I say this in a feeble excuse to distract shoddy painting and basing and very shoddy basing. Oh well can't be helped now and looks pretty good in real life if not due to my photography. Right self pity over now!
A Mantic "Walker" from the all out war set. Another "walker" for the horde. And he should fit right in. A mature gentleman and dressed only in jeans. he's missing shoes and a shirt but I guess in a zombie apocalypse being well dressed is no longer a priority. 28mm hard plastic part of the starter set.
As you know I went to SELWG. Firstly let me say I had a brilliant time.
And this is what I bought.
4 items missing as they shall be part of my Christmas gift as no one KNOW what to get me and when I write a list NO ONE still knows what is on the listr as NO ONE in my family speaks wargame-ese.
So this is what I can show you at this stage! Top to Bottom and Left to right)
- 7TV2e box set (Starter casts are for Crimbo) nothing is opened just yet so It is possible (Although very unlikely) that it is just an empty box.
- 8 Jet bikes from Brigade Games these are for my "scout" unit in 15mm sci fi.
- 1 pot of Dark angels green paint! From Col Bill.
- 2 Paint brushes £1.50 each and I hope they shall be just brilliant) a nessercary evil am told as part of the wargaming hobby.
- 1 Pack of Peter Pig heads. Other parts of the order are to stop blushes and yet others are reserved for Christmas.
- 1 pack of Victorian Policemen with pistols. Best if you do not ask any questions about them for now!
- 1 Pack of GZG FSE Mortars again for 15mm sci fi. I meant to buy more but alas the ones I wanted are old stock and need to be mail ordered or picked up at a show.
Thanks for looking and more of the SELWG show in a day or two.
all the best Clint.
Brigade Models.,
Crooked Dice,
Peter Pig
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