Well Everything is dry. As the base work is dry I thought I should get some of the other things done. As you can see in the photos, I have started on the lift block. I know it's as rough as barb wire underpants, but that will change as time passes. I have made the lift block seperatly so I can detail it in doors (warmth). But Have only made half height walls. This is deliberate before any ask. I know I'll take some stick for it and some ribbing, It's what they are like! The reasons are to make sure it fits in the paste table and also for ease of moving figures. I could run a sweepstake on who will be the first person to say they are clibing over the wall, My guess is Alex in the Sittingbourne club, and Ian in the Rainham club. Although it is pretty open as several people have that kind of mind set. I shall paint All the cropped walls bright red and the pillars and paste table edges, in a feeble attempt to deter people from saying such.
I had a small order from Ainsty castings today. First time I have ever used them and must say very nicly cast well packaged and swift delivery. I wanted some vending machines for the carpark, just because I know players will find a use for them, probly for blocking doors and staeling cans to chuck at zeds/each other. We all know they will. Also got a water cooler which I really like but not sure where that will go (maybe not for this project. I can also paint two of the vending machines as ticket dispensers, but probly not have to wait and see.

The lift block will consist of a lift, (naturaly) the indication of stairs for if the power fails. Whatcha mean if power fails, surely not! In addition there will be three public lavatories. Male Female and disabled. I did point out a company who do make a Zombie in a wheelchair, but I will not have it as it comes with a load more I don't want. Later I may look at getting it, maybe the company (Blue Moon Minis) will sell me a few of this one casting, I shall enquire in the new year. I might do a seach later today to see if I can find some "star" zombies. Maybe a Hunter or a Tank or a Boomer! For when the players get bitten.
I'll continue working on this on an off today, comming indoors to keep warm then going out again to freeze.
The lift block seems so far away from the Exit ramp!
I may put a service elevator in as well, but as yet I am undecided if it should go in and if it does where it should go. But I'll see what time is like and what else needs doing. I am getting to the stage where I'll be painting the parking bays and walls soon. Planning to do it Friday. Right lunch time so I'm off as I have Curry today.