Due to Dog sitting again I was unable to blog yesterday and also unable to paint last night and While I was planning/hoping to get 5 more finished there are only 2 completed. I am of course referring to more Burpas for Matt.
The one in blue is literally screaming "Shoot me!" he stands out so much. I did picture him as an officer or leader while painting so wanted him to look well equipped and richer than the average figure, which lead to the lovely blue!

The other figure is just a normal rank and file and while just as important does blend into the terrain significantly better. His long rifle makes one think of a sniper but the truth may well be very much different. It will all come down to what Matt thinks.
I think they are both Foundry figures but from different ranges.
Currently on the painting table I have 3 more Burpas (1 being Mounted) and 5 more peasants and 4 more Burpas an another 30 Zulus which I hope to get undercoated before 8am. That way I can be painting for the next few days without any prep time!
So until next time, take care have fun and plan some games.