Yes that's me back on the painting of Burpas. Thanks to Matt who has found out I enjoy painting these I managed (despite the heat) to finish 2 cavalry. I hope to finish 3 more tonight BEFORE the football.
I suspect they are both Wargames Foundry but do not know for sure. But if I was looking for them that is where I would start as they have that kind of feel to them. Both are 28mm in size and mounted on 25x50mm slotta bases.
There was no cleaning up. Matt does all that before I get them and for that I am very grateful. Not that foundry usually have much in the way of flash These will help Matts forces grow a little larger. And while only 2 figures shall all help as I have mentioned 3 more are started and 5 more are based and ready for undercoating hopefully tonight!
PLAY BY BLOG (Invite only)
Meanwhile Back at the Ranch! I will admit I have been getting inspired and restless at the same thing. 5 Invites have been sent and so far 2 yes we want to play and 2 no we don't want to play. DAVE STONE if you are reading this check your emails!
I have ran play by blog games in the past with mixed results. This time I am starting very small. INVITE only and so far they have been sent. I may open it up to a few more people ONCE established.
I shall be using the Jimland rules to recreate expeditions in Victorian Africa. Combat will be abstracted as such you will only as a player be told of the results and not the details. For example: the vicious local tribesmen managed to surprise you and killed a porter (carrying food) before they were driven of with significant loss of their own life! You count 3 of the tribesmen slain and know at least as many are wounded.
Like I said keeping it as abstract as possible to make it as easy for me as possible..
I hope to detail the results here and maybe ( no guarantees) they shall do so on their own blogs! Maps will be given to players but until they return to Jim's Landing they will all be open to change. But once they have been back to Jim's Landing then the maps and discoveries can be published and a real map can be issued.
More details of this when it happens.