I have no excuse I get side tracked by the world cup! Certain of you I can hear "Tutting" as I type this. But here at least is what I have done!
Firstly some barrels. These are 28mm Ainsty Castings (
http://www.ainsty-castings.co.uk/) Find them in the Cargo Hold section if ordering online or just ask Andy is a nice guy and worth a chat if you see him at a show.)

I went for a VERY simple paint job. Simply gun metal followed by a Black wash. This should make them useable from about 1910 on to sci fi! Stuck them on MDF Bases, as you can see 4 on one base and 2 on another. It was either this or have them run around loose and risk loosing them.
So a quick and easy thing to get going with. No problems and easy to do an quickly managed and all done and dusted and very versatile.

Now at times I can be dense. (I know who you are and I can see you nodding!) At the Broadside show on the flea market there was 2 guys selling off some old "Snapdragon Studios" Castings. I can honestly say I wish I had purchased more from them, These 2 cost me £2 unpainted and they wee the only 2 of these they had. As far as I know Snapdragon only produced in 2 scales, 6mm and 28mm. That does not at all bother me as I do intend to use these as power generators on my 15mm sci fi boards! (See later). But with nothing to Scale them against and being science fiction how would you ever know!
In Retrospect I should have put something on to scale these. Oh well live and learn, (In my case sleep and forget it all). But I am very happy with these and as hinted at they are without scale so could be used in any sci fi scale. Shame you just cannot get snapdragon any moae I used to really like them but could never afford to buy much.

Lastly for today! I hyad a little think and it has occurred to me that I might be better using my "Moon" Boards as and "Any-scale" sci fi terrain. Yes I know I am slow if off the mark and most of you would have thought of this before!
The conclusion of this epiphany is that I shall now need to repaint my 1/300th scale sci fi stuff from Ice Planet to desert planet! There fore here are 3 Civilian vehicles (Painted red so as not to be at all camouflaged). I started painting them red as they were going on an Ice planet and I did want them to stand out! But as it turns out bright red works almost as well for a desert planet! Lots more (2 armies) to do for these but at least I now have a start and can continue at my leisure..
That's it for today. I hope to have more on Saturday until then, take care paint if you can. All the best Clint