Yeah I admit it, it has taken me a while. Now however I feel that I am back on the wargames Bounce. So what does this mean? Well hold your horses and I will tell you. It has been a couple of years since I worked on this and in many ways I am STARTING AGAIN!

I stopped working on this for 3 reasons. One,A bird (don't ask me what kind I can just say it was little and brown!) started nesting in my garage and I chose not to disturb it. But it has gone now! Two, I had grown dissatisfied with the idea. Now I am at the stage where I am willing to work on it again. I will have a bit of a re work and bring it back from this sorry state to (HOPEFULLY) a better one! And Three a combination of decent weather allowing me to work in the garage without freezing my ********'s off, lighter evenings and a set of rules I like.
So what do I intend to change. Nope not everything! BUT CLOSE.
Firstly I want to rework the waterfall, as well as add another "Cave entrance" at the base of the fall which will be big enough to allow figures egress.

Secondly I want to remove the so called (by me) "Temple section . (3rd Pic down bottom right hand side.) This should give 4 cave entrances on that side, which I hope should be PlENTY of options. Under the water fall, 2 high up and one other. Behind the back board I want them to connect. Maybe not all, but just maybe some I will need to wait and see how it comes about.

Thirdly it Needs to be bigger. By that I actually me a 3'x 3' area and not 2' square as it currently is. So maybe the bank across the rivulet and a further 6" of cliff on the right as you look at the first picture. Also a further 1 foot coming straight towards you in the first picture. I also want it taller! It seems to me too regular across the back and that seems wrong. So by increasing the height (at least in some areas) it would look more natural. I would intend the close edge in the first pic to also be rocky as it sits it is far too regular. Maybe (speaking without thinking) there will be an overhang.... who knows!

Ok I know at least one person would ask if I did not say what rules! I am actually looking seriously at "Pulp Alley". I have the PDF and like the way the rules work and CAN see it functioning as a small participation game at shows. I know a mad idea and I need my head testing! BUT if it works what a setting it would make and would be more than suitable for many adventures everything from Cavemen to Sci fi and everything in between! (Last of the Mohicans for example)
I will not go into figures at this stage, but I have it planned and some bought and am willing to buy some more although the rules do not require a horde of figures 7 a side is more than enough.
Thanks for reading my gibberish and plans for this board. I have an AAR for next time. And then back to painting as I work on this in peace and quiet!
Until then, take care, have fun and paint like a crazy perso!