And today hot from Curt's Painting challenge are my 10mm Sudan Fuzzy Wuzzy's . There will be no mention of "liking it up 'em" or "not liking it up 'em" Unless you want to say it. For me it's to obvious and we all know as soon as they hit the wargames table some "Bright" spark will have to say it..... and on every other outing they get as well. Not that I mind anyone saying it of course.

Anyway there are 57 in all including the guy with the flag. (I have found the other missing 3 they were in the wrong bag). A very simple painting scheme, base colour, dark black/brown wash and a highlight on each. At 10mm that really is all they need as you rely on the mass of troops effect rather than picking out individuals. Overall I am happy with the results and as mentioned a few days ago a set of figures purchased about 5 years ago are now done based and ready for a game.

I still have about 115 Ansar on foot to do. Give me a little time and they will take a lick of paint. They will require slightly more work as I will have to add coloured patches to their clothes for the Mahdist effect! But that's in the future.
Coming up next in the painting challenge are 15 Camel riders for this project as well. So I will post them next time out.

After that we have the "Villains" bonus round and It will be a couple of Mexican Bandits. All Wild west games need Mexican Banditos. One of which will be given to the first of the 600 club to reach their goal. Looking link Angry Lurker Fran at this stage as he is less than 20 points away.
That's it fortoday, Need to do the finishing touches on the bandits and to get them photographed and sent to Curt on the hurry up.
All the best and take care chaps catch you all later.