Well progress is being made. Not on figures, that is going remarkably slowly at the moment. But all my news today is good.
Firstly I have received a "SECRET SANTA" parcel. And while I do have a postcode I will not be checking to see where it originates as that seems sneaky and not in the spirit. I just want the sender to know it has arrived and that I am very excited by it. I will be sending mine out the end of next week so they arrive closer to the deadline, but still in plenty of time. So whoever set it THANK YOU!
I also noticed that Ray over at
http://onelover-ray.blogspot.co.uk/ Also known as "don't throw a 1" is celebrating his 1 millionth page view. As such he has a giveaway should you wish to take part. It is all historical as far as I can see, but all of some use. So feel free to click the link and pop over and sign up he just may have something for you.

And finally for today (more painted figures on Thursday). I have received a Kickstarter package. I do not go in for very many kickstarters and had totally forgotten about this one. So 18 months later it arrived! Not that it was a large pledge at all. Very small in fact but I have 2 gangs (or squads if you prefer) of 15mm figures and the rulebook. I went 15mm as opposed to 28mm as at the time I was into 15mm sci fi. But times change and I am now thinking 28mm would have been the way to go.
The Game is a tabletop wargame for those who have not seen it before. The basis of which is set in a Blade-runner like future. Each player forms a criminal gang in order to make a profit by stealing "Fabricants", android human like robots. The rules seem very simple and I strongly approve of them and the setting. I do like the game a lot, but now I am wondering if I will ever make the terrain. If I doyou will be the first to know. (After the materials supplier of course and I tell them noting.) The rules have grabbed me as has the setting so it may happen. But in reality I do realise that making a fururistic street setting is a LOT of work so it just may not get of the ground!
That is it for today. More figures painted by Thursday and the next post as I should finish a squad this afternoon/evening with a little luck.
Until then, have fun take care and splash some paint about. All the best Clint
EDIT FOR FRAN.....................................................................................................................................
Here are the 15mm figures. It is a Yakuza Gang so only 6 of the figures are HUMAN. The rest are Fabricants (Replicants in Blade Runner terms) so are PHYSICALY bigger stronger and probably faster as well. But they can be hacked by other gangs. (so NOT scale creep) The 6 Humans are mostly hackers able to alter the environment (setting of alarms (or not) changing the light levels calling the police to different areas or to this one If things are getting a bit edgy for them. You know the sort of things).
The figures are slim but well proportioned and more anatomically correct than many 15mm figures. I intend to paint them as part of the analogue painting challenge so expect to see them soon enough!