I have just finished the construction of a "Compound". No Photos yet, maybe Monday. which is the first piece of real constructed scenery. I have unfortunately used up all the 4mm thick "grey board" I went this morning to try an art supplier and was informed they no longer stock it as it is slightly acidic and could over time damage any artwork in contact with it. Still we don't worry about that, he has agreed to try his suppliers and see if he can still get some. I'll know in 3 weeks. Meanwhile back on the ranch, I have some 2mm thick "grey board" so lamination will start this afternoon. I should have enough to make 3 or 4 more compounds, which actually should be enough as most of the buildings need not be "compounds" as they seem to be mostly "farms". By that I mean a group of related families all living within a walled courtyard and working the land. Well that's my understanding of it although I am aware that they are not all agriculturally based.
I had a penny drop yesterday. It was so Blummin obvious that I had overlooked it. For a while I have wanted to include choppers in this game. The cost was the thing stopping me. Visually they will add great impact by giving the game table height. I was reading a published scenario in "Enduring Freedom" the Force on Force Afghan war supplement. The scenario with the special "Where's Ross?" Rule to do with a TV camera crew and presenter.... I'll let you guess which TV presenter they are hinting at with the name of the rule. Finally coming to the point that scenario has top cover 1-3 you can call in an Apache (AH 64) gunship or 4-6 you get an Warthog (Fairchild A10). For some reasons online auction sites fixed wing models seem a lot cheaper than rotary wing. Therefore as long as I get one Chinook helicopter I can supplement it in a ground attack role with fixed wing aircraft. Problem solved.... at least for now.
Club game tomorrow so I'll try to get some pics for a Post on Monday. All the best Clint.