This is Just CURRENT thinking. IF I see a bargain either on a trader stall or the Bring and buy I will nab it with no regard to what is written here! So Instead some clues.
Rogue Stars.
Yes it will be Science Fiction in 28mm and yes it will be able to fit with existing figures. This is the most open category, and the one I am most likely to sway away from and towards a slightly different thing. Partially it depends on the traders there o the day and what they are selling. But I would expect to come back with something! I know in MY HEAD, but it may well change wen I get there. Partially it will depend on if 2nd City Games is there, as he does tend to carry some interesting second hand figures.
Yes it flies and is old! NO it is not my dreams hopes and ambitions. (You cheeky blighter!). The Markings "might" be an indication of what I am thinking nationality wise. And yes I am deliberately keeping it obscure. Some bright spark will know though of that I am sure. All I will say for sure is some troops with which to fight Matt.

Well those are my plans for the show at least as far as spending is concerned. I will show you what I come back with tomorrow when I return