It has been a slow week. Partly from lack of motivation and partly due to the weather and partly as I have been inundated with relatives. Do not get me wrong I do like my relatives but I also like my own space and not a totally ridged time table.
Still whine over.

I have just finished another 4 figures for Matt. yes 4 more Burpa cavalry mostly in bright and colourful clothes. yes there is one in grey as well but generally in bright colours. There are another 6 cavalry started so more to come next week no doubt. Only 4today though. And yes I will do a pick of them all at the end.

They have a suitably ragtag collection of weapons from knives to black powder firearms. The Guy in the yellow has a knife and a shield for melee and a firearm for range work. The one in the green has a Firearm as well as a knife and 2 swords, why he would need 2 swords and a knife I have no idea yet he does. The leader (in the orange) is sword and shield armed and the guy in grey carries a spear and shield as well as a sword in a scabbard. So all in all quite a well armed bunch no doubt looking to cause mayhem to the British troops in the area.
I believe all the figures to be foundry and 28mm in size and they should all fit together with Matts other cavalry which is all good fun as I know Matt does not like cavalry in wargames. By which I mean he does like to shoot at them BUT does not like to control them.
Frozen Planet Update.
No this idea has not gone away, in fact it is doing from strength to strength. below is a pack of Brigade Hippo South African confederation vehicles. they are all trucks 2 have office bodies, 2 have tanker bodies and the rest are "Flatbeds" As you can see in the very last picture.

Other than thinking and sorting these figures out I have not as yet done much with this idea. I have determined that one force will be the South African Confederation JUST because I like the vehicles and for no other reason. The other force I am open to ideas on though but I am leaning towards the Chinese Democratic Socialist Union. But at this stage it is just too early to tell. I have let my sister know so there is a small (minuscule) chance she will buy some for my xmass gift. To be honest with you though I am not holding my breathe at all!
Thanks for reading today and enjoy the rest of the weekend. All the best Clint