Matt has already seen the pics and is happy so all is OK at my end. Partly I am sure because they are either all Artizan or Foundry figures and they sit together quite nicely. Of the two I prefer Artizan to paint but not by very much at all.
We have a cannon and crew, 4 crew in all. While there are all 4 in the first picture in close up one (with ramrod) is behind the others. I did offer Matt the choice of natural colours on the gun or a bright decorated design. Clearly he chose the natural colours But I think a bright decorated design would also have fitted but be harder to paint from my point of view. His choice entirely and I am happy with his choice.
Lastly we have 3 extra figures to complete this batch of figures.
Not much more to say except. Have a goiod weekend.
All the best Clint