Just finished some tanks for the Russian Civil war. They are all 15mm and by Peter Pig. We have 2 MK IV British tanks and 4 FT 17 French light tanks.
During the Russian Civil war Britain supplied a very few tanks to support the Tsar. As you can see they have the Russian Flag on the front of the running gear housing. Sometimes the flag is shown vertical at other times horizontal so quite simply I have painted one of each. Being totally honest I painted them both horizontal to begin with and then Matt suggested one of each so 20 mins later they were re painted. No fuss no bother. He is a good mate so happy to help out.

Maybe not if he asked me to bury a body but to repaint the front of a small model tank. Sure no worries!

Apologise for the photography it was early in the morning. As you can see from the top picture they are some-what larger than the French Light tanks. In the Square bashing rules by Peter Pig they count as heavy tanks and you can see why. Heavy tanks in the rules are only good in assaults which does make them quite limiting to use. but great fun none the less.

And the "Light Tanks" again 15mm by Peter Pig. They come in 2 varieties. either round or hexagonal turret and also in 2 armaments. Either a 37mm cannon or a machine gun. So a possible 4 varieties if you want to try all the combinations. 2 tanks have hand painted roundels and 2 do not. While they are not perfectly clear in the photos they are painted with a steady hand and look OK in real life.

I did find all these tanks tricky to paint, not due to strange camouflage but because perhaps they were all new to me and I was not at all sure what I was doing.
Anyway next for Matt I am painting some Cossack cavalry for the Russian Civil war while in the mean time I paint some more WW2 Japanese for my self.
Thanks for looking have a good weekend and with luck see you all again soon.