As you can see I did not go overboard on the loot from SELWG show at Crystal Palace. I will do a report on the show and the games and maybe even write a little about the other bloggers whom I happen to meet there. For now however just a quick peek the goodies I walked out of the show with.
Yes the carrier bag was £6 and the entrance fee was free, although I might have gotten that round the wrong way!
1 Box of Defiance Games UAMC. 24 plastic multi-part science fiction infantry. Very similar to those that might have been encountered on LV426, well at least in my opinion!
2 packets of peter Pig figures for PBI. If you are very interested 1 pack of Artillery crew and one pack of .50 browning HMGs with crew. Just to carry on and round out my US PBI company (just filling in the options).
1 4-Ground General purpose wagon. I am sure many of you will already have got these built and painted, but it is my first one. If I can assemble it, paint it and store it successfully I do anticipate getting a couple more. They are after all half the price of a metal version.
6 Ainsty Castings Blisters, A variety of science fiction bits and bobs. I so easily could have gotten more, but I went small here because I have yet to even start thinking about the 28mm Sci-Fi Board I want to make. But that is a little way in the future so don't read ahead too much.
I did find one thing on the bring and buy a single pack of foundry figures which I scooped up for a fiver. I hope to get it painted in the coming week or maybe two and you can see what it is then. Just one hint, I will include it in my Zomtober (Zombtober) nonsense!
There were a few other things I did consider getting, A couple of rule sets, some more ACW figures in 15mm maybe the start of some Spanish Napoleonic army. I did look at Fields of Glory and FOG Renaissance but they tend to be cheaper on eBay. I did look for a nice Osprey book as well, but they did not have what I wanted at a bargain price so I will wait and pick one up when the price is right for me.
A Show report and eye candy games pics to follow in the next few days.
Final thought just a quick teaser. Speaking to Karl at Crooked Dice I have seen the greens of the new batch of St Trinian's figures (out November) and to be honest I now KNOW I MUST get some! (Even if I never use them I really like the "Feral Fourth Form Gils" And if you don't say nice things about them they may bash you up!)
Cheers Clint.