The country of Klintanistan (a made up imagi-nation Country). Has collapsed leaving a power void into which various leaders and factions push. And push hard. Never a rich country and never at the forefront of world politics Klintanistan was still valuable and had some assets and given the resilience of the people it was a country that could grow. Grow perhaps to be a world leader with as many colonies as Britain or Spain, who knows. All this is the future though and the now is a very different place.
The Location of the country is not needed for the game so feel free to think of it as anywhere you want. Maybe Central America, or the Middle east, Sub Saharan Africa, South east Asia Polynesia or even a country in Europe. (As all the game action will take place within the country it matters not where you think of it!). Just think "Back of Beyond" Somewhere.
Date also need not worry us exactly. The technology is 1930's so yes you can have cars and trains and planes and even submarines.... but you will not be starting with anything quite so flash! Horse drawn vehicles predominate although a few cars and trucks are about they are rare rather than common and most people cannot drive! (at least in this country). ) I am not setting an exact date as we all know that WW2 started in 1939 and we all know that will have a major effect on world politics. Before it happens (if it ever does you will not know). Which is only fair as it will stop people reading ahead and having knowledge of the future. (I do not care if you have Crystal Balls in real life, that is a matter between you and the Doctor!) In this game you do NOT have knowledge of the future..

There will only be 2 seasons (Summer and Winter) with each season being 3 turns long.
I intend to play for 12 weeks (2 years in game) and then asses the situation. Things will probably start slowly as players both find their feet and work out the rules, but with some people you just never know. One player may issue 5 attack orders in the first turn. Which I might personally think Reckless, but you never know might turn out to be the winning strategy.
So all I am looking for at this stage is for bloggers(or Lurkers) to let me know they are interested in playing. (Max 10 to start) BUT some reserves IF a faction rebels against its leader for one rason or another.... it may just happen and then again it may not!)
The Following players already have:
Ray http://onelover-ray.blogspot.co.uk/ Rousell
Fran http://theangrylurker.blogspot.co.uk/ Lee
Michael (the Glorious People's Democratic Republic of Millsystan ) AKA generalissimo Millsy Mills (NO Yamsin NOT GIMP, behave you!)
Roy http://nevermindthejankers.blogspot.co.uk/ Williamson
Bryan http://vampifansworldoftheundead.blogspot.co.uk/ Scott
Andy http://dagobbosgrotto.blogspot.co.uk/ Goboland (Real name Nash!)
Martin http://28mmheroes.blogspot.co.uk/2016/09/house.html Cooke
Dave http://onemanhisbrushes.blogspot.co.uk/ Docherty Playing as The Peoples Undemocractic Republic of Docistan
Matt https://wargamesinthedungeon.blogspot.co.uk/ Crump
J http://lairoftheubergeek.blogspot.co.uk/ Miles
So as you can see there is room if you want to join in.
If you do want to play just leave me a comment below and we will sort out a starting position for you.
All the rules and setting are made up by me and I any resemblance to any persons or countries are purely a lucky guess on my part.
So feel free to make up any name that suits you if you want to play.
Turns will be every weekend so awnsers and turn details NEED to be back to me by FRIDAY at the VERY latest!
Bit of a read I know so sit down with a cup of tea and have a rest.
I have had a moment of stupidity and will accept the 3 reserve players as full starting players BUT there will be no reserves
This will mean if your economy crashes or your government gets ousted. all goods and belongings will be split among other players.