Firstly As I was not happy with yesterdays blog I have decided to do one today as well. These are the start of my Second Full Thrust fleet. This time the Islamic Federation. These are only the small ships of the intro fleet, I have put the larger (cruisers) somewhere safe. I will start painting theose when I find them again. But for now these should act as a sample of colours and markings. As shown I have gone for a rich blue as my main colour, contrasting that I have a lemon stripe on each vessel. As all the ships have cresent shaped wings I thought to emphasis these by painting them a copper colour higlighted with gold and washed with "flesh wash" all to signify a more 3D look to the figures. Once they are all fininsh (once I find them again) I will photograph the whole fleet together as I did the FSE fleet. I shall also offer a photo of both fleets together.
Now lets go back to the poll for a little. In my mind (and only there) I have settled on a Zombie game. Let me start by saying I am not totally happy with any of the Zombie rules I have found so far. They all have something to offer, but they also all lack one or more elements I would like. As such I think I might have a go at writing my own. I don't want to start adding house rules to an existing system, I feel a completely fresh start is in order. If you don't hear any more about this assume I have given up, and common sense has taken over.
Meanwhile back at the Zombie terrain ideas, here are a few I have thought of (in no logical order):
- High School
- Petrol Station.
- Hospital.
- Laboratory / Research Facility.
- Shopping Mall
- Underground / tube station.
- Warehouse/Factory
- Docks/Port.
- Fair Ground / Ammusement park.
- Peir.
- Airport.
- Railway Station / Rail Yard.
- Sewer.
- Appartment Block.
- Church and graveyard.
- Powerstation.
- Army Baracks
- Motorway Service Station / Truck stop.
- Typical Urban Street / City block.
- Suburban area.
- Zoo.
I want to keep it accessable to most people, so I have taken out, space Station, moonbase, submarine, ship and those sort of things brcause the terrain migh be too tight for a flowing game.
I hope there is something there for you to mull over. I already feel Happier with this post than the previous one. I'll post again Tomorrow, so take care til than and happy Blogging. All the Best Clint