More talking than anything else today. I admit it I got side-tracked into real life. Maybe for a good thing maybe for a bad one! Who knows at this stage!
Here are probably the easiest things I have ever painted. 2 Elephant tusks, or Mammoth tusks or if you choose really large alien teeth!

They are by Wargames Terrain Workshop WTW (
Link) Thanks Dave. I really do like them simple and effective and can be used for almost all 28mm wargames. Maybe they were just loot or maybe they are objective markers of in my Back of Beyond just really large Mammoth tusks. Who knows at this stage.
I am continuing to paint 6mm sci fi vehicles but the seem to be going very slow at the moment, perhaps due to lack of sleep in the heat. But at least they are coming along and I shall have some to show next week. Until then a sneak peek into my mind...... AHHHHHH! Yeah I thought that would be both scary and unpleasant.
Subject changed:
Next year, I know it sneaks up fast! Anyway next year at some local shows I plan to run some "PULP ALLEY" games. At this stage I have 2 plans and here they are!
Option 1;
A Victorian Science fiction game set in a Victorian steam-punk dockyard. Above is a Picture of Chatham Dockyard so you get an idea of what kind of feel I would be looking for,
here are my initial thumbnail sketches.
At this stage all is likely to change IF I go down this route. So only take the layout as a rough guide and do not try to find the exact option.

All buildings would and should be enterable and as such all should have fully functioning interiors Which means in warehouses piles of crates,sacks and the like for loads of cover.

You will no doubt note, as one of my players did the airship and the submarine. These ideas were seized upon and to those members of tHe club became for a very short while the most important parts. Where as I looked upon them as being added extras, there to be finished last so if they were not finished they would not matter.
I already have the figures and am happy to get a few more. So figure choice would not be an big issue.
Option 2:

The idea of a secret valley. Harder I found to sketch! I am deliberately not saying if \I would choose to make an Ice age Crevice, an African rift or a South American canyon. If this is selected I hope to make that decision with the aid of club members. I do like the idea of an airship somehow being involved for 19th and 20th Century Pulp adventures, as well as a possible Tarzan type character.
As such I have all the figures OR am willing to buy a few more. Again no reason why in a pulp setting German or Royal Navy could not be involved. Just think of "Doug Mc Clure" films and I am sure you will get the idea. Although at this stage I shall not be going full "Valley of Gwangi!" Unless players really want me to. I am sure we all remember the T-Rex in Tomb rader though! Still brings a smile to my face
if you have a strong preference let me know. I shall of course pay a lot more attention to my club members as they will have to play it. Maybe try a few other clubs as well before a show. All depends on how soon I pull my finger out and get on with it!
If neither of those ideas appeal I am happy to listen (BUT it shall be "PULP ALLEY" ) to alternatives. I have learnt in the past though that the more options given the less decisions are made and the more debate is had usually by the people willing to do the least work and try to claim the most credit! So please stick to the above ideas unless you have a really smashing, bursting to get out never been seen at a show before idea!