I can be contacted at Clintburnettagain(@)Hotmail(.)co(.)uk
Just take the brackets out and it should get to me.
I will email back to make sure I have a link to you.
So each player starts with 5 territories. At the game start they are NOT secret. You all have lived in Klintastan for a while and all know the locations of certain things.
The starting territories are:
- Grain, Grain, Livestock, Livestock, Game hunting. Roy Williamson
- Grain, Livestock, livestock, Coal, Timber. Bryan (Vampi) Scottlandia
- Friuit, Grain Grain Livestock, livestock Phillion
- Fruit, Livestock, livestock, livestock, Livestock. Millsy Democratic Republic of Millsystan
- Grain, Grain, Livestock, Livestock. Livestock. Ray The badger
- Fruit, Fruit Grain. Livestock Livestock. Andy Nash Goboland
- Fruit, Grain, Grain, Livestock, Coal. Miles Ubergeek "Great Republic of 'Murica-Stan" or GRM for short.
- Fruit, Grain, Livestock, livestock, Game Hunting. Fran (angry Lurker) Franonia
- Fruit, Fruit, Fruit. Livestock Livestock. Martin Cooke Malusia
- Fruit. Grain. Grain. Livestock. Timber. Peter Douglas
- Fruit, Grain Grain, Livestock, Livestock. Mathyoo
- Grain. Grain. Grain. Copper Copper. Matt Crump Penrithistan
- Fruit, Grain, livestock, livestock. Coal. Dave Doc The Peoples Undemocractic Republic of Docistan
I have included any names I know after the player. And no there is not a competition to make me type the longest name! Although you might wonder with Millsy and Dave Doc. (I bet I am not the only person that worries about them both!)
Names may change and typefaces are because I cut and paste them from different sources.
It may look like some starts are better than others. You are free to think that and act accordingly perhaps by cheering or booing them in the comments. But they were all generated randomly and if someone seems to have an advantage in something I feel sure one or more players WILL attack them in some way.
As always any questions I will try to awnser as best I can without breaking any confidences. SO DO NOT ask what has player x done this turn! But I know you will not do such a thing anyway.
First turns to be in by MIDNIGHT GMT Friday NEXT week!
best of luck guys
Cheers Clint