It's still too HOT. All I do is sit still and perspire! However here are some 6mm Brigade Models (
LINK ) Sharman Firefly's. 6 were purchased in all at the Broadside show and they make 1/2 the medium tanks, the Sharman (NON firefly) have already been shown.

As medium tanks I do expect them to do most of the work. As such the Sharman Firefly (I dislike that name by the way) having a better gun than the standard Sharman these should (I hope) adopt a more anti-tank role. But we all know plans like that go out of the window as soon as they are set up on the table top.

These are only 1/300th scale so I could not put masses of detail on both due to the scale and due to the hot weather. I know it is not so hot everywhere but I am also aware that people are dying in Spain! So I really do not have too much to moan about. So let's just say it is too hot to paint in a stuffy room.

As it is a Saturday I shall have Club tomorrow but I have nothing planned so may leave after a few hours if it is too hot!
So with luck I shall be on here again on Monday maybe with more tanks maybe terrain and hopefully with an AAR.
Until then chill out as best you can and scoff ice-cream! I Know I intend to! All the best Clint