Yes I admit it, I have neglected my blog recently. Part of it is the schedule for the analogue painting challenge which means I am only allowed to post once day a week for the challenge. But most of it is me being lazy. So I am giving myself a talking to and getting it sorted out.
Berdan's Sharpshooters!

Correct I have been painting some ACW figures for my friend Matt. So today and maybe to change our luck in the ACW campaign at the club we have a new unit.

Based for the Peter Pig rules of "Civil War Battles" on 30mm square bases there are 8 full stands. And 1 half stand (15mmx30mm). For a total of 26 15mm infantry from "Blue Moon". I have tried to emulate Matts basing style and not my own as a single look to an army is better than having everything on different bases and looking like a patchwork quilt. So the bases should fit in quite well with what he already has. I will admit I did chicken out and did not put the yellow bugle badge on the top of the kepi. That was just too fiddly for me, If I was to do them again I may attempt a simple yellow splodge but I may keep them clear of that. As trying to do it accurately and without a transfer I would personally in the "Too hard" basket. Yeah maybe that makes me a wimp but until I see anyone do better I just don't care.

Since painting these I have found out that they are well known amongst Re-enactors who all seem to want to be just that little bit different. I find that attitude very understandable as like wargamers they are in a niche hobby so to some extent value their identity and thus a "cookie cutter" unit with strikingly similar uniforms may really not be for them.
This picture swiped from the internet shows what the unit looks like when portrayed by re-enactors. Being blunt they probably have more interest in the look of the uniform than "Joe Average" wargamer.

Looking at their uniform it looks like mine are a little on the dark side but that is not a huge problem as the green will stand out on the tabletop where everything else is either blue or grey.
The Above mentioned "Civil War Battles" do require casualty markers. So these are a few by Peter Pig. Again painted in the green of the unit just for completeness.
Thanks for looking today I will strive to be more regular over the next few weeks.
All the best to you and your family.
Cheers Clint