Well I was not there long. But while there I was able to play the walking Dead all out war 3 times.
The first game was mostly a dry run though to give the players an idea of the rules and the set up and just how the game worked.
Let me start by saying Ian won the first game. WE only played the basic set so really no frills at all. Just basic rules a few figures and I was referee.
Not our game just an Internet image.
I forgot the camera again
But a cool Thank you
to whom so ever posted this image
on the internet |
The Second game (Yay I won) as a 3 way battle just grabbing loot and getting off of the board. very simple and very apt.
The third game was a similar set up but we moved the figures around so we all had different characters. This time I had Rick!
It was the only game where Rick got bitten by a Walker (Must remember not to say ZOMBIE!) got infected and died on the table! Guess who was controlling Rick. yeo me.
Kev won this game.
Conclusion: If playing 3 player games the "THREAT TRCKER" climbs the scale fast. Seriously fast. It was a joy that players realised quickly that making noise could be an offensive action as could running. As if done correctly It could drag zombies into the melee and when facing 3+ zombies you were very limited in what you could do. And the chances are you would lose the melee.
Overall it was a very good game and a game we will play again. But first I need to get painting the figures as several times we were having trouble telling Walker from survivor as they were all the same colour plastic.

Changing the Subject:
I have also volunteered to paint some 28mm figures for a LOCAL show game. These will be Nappies and I do not usually paint Nappies so it will be a steep learning curve. 12 figures to a unit so I will try to get 2 units done. (3 IF I can... but aiming at 2 Units) Just to take the pressure of off another club member. SO if/when you see Napoleonic troops on this blog you do not have a fit with your leg up you now know the reason.

Additionally: Only 1 of my Purchases from my prize have so far turned up. Yes I am inpatient and am itching to get on with it. BUT hopefully a little more will arrive this week and I can do a blog post all about it. I just put this bit in as one of my club members was unaware of my win.