A tad overdone you might say, but after all why not! There is a Latin quote on the Lance pendant. As you can't see clearly what it says don't try. Just know my old Latin teacher would be proud! PK I was never taught Latin!
The downside is I know it will draw a lot of battlefield attention . I will call it jealousy to their faces across the table. I also realise I shall need to make the leader of the Black and White (Sable and Argent) force just as fancy and to be honest it is quite a lot of work. I may chicken out and do all black. BLACK everything including armour! We will both just have to wait and see.
I am a long way from finishing both Lion Rampant forces so there will be more to come. Count that as a threat if you like. Currently on the painting table I do have a unit of foot nan at arms. These are to be painted to fit in either faction. There are also some aeronef and SOON some 15mm sci fi. But that is looking ahead. For now just a single mounted figure. Historically accurate, not a chance. It was done only to look good and not to be historical.
Thanks for looking and enjoy this Friday. All the best Clint