For those expecting "Burpas" this week, there has been a delay. They are being worked on so they will be along shortly.... maybe NEXT week. Until then I received these this morning. Purchased on eBay for less the £7 including postage. Ok so why get them?

Well you may recall I did mention Dieselpunk! Well these are destined for that project. One has some slight damage so that will be the one I start on. While 4 can be used for VBCW, Gangsters, C'thulhu or anything else I can think of. As they are all 1/43rd scale and thus suitable (only slightly too big (and I do mean slightly) ) for 28mm figures. In fact once on bases 28mm figures will be about the right size.
The 2 trucks will e weathered and don't really need much beyond that. But you know me they will have a complete paint job. as a fuel truck is better than a condensed milk truck! At least in wargames terms if not real life.

So what needs to happen and by when? Well firstly there is NO rush and I would rather get it right than get it wrong. Not that they are at all expensive BUT that I am well shall we say "Frugal" that sounds better than miserly. I shall start on the green car. As you can see the radiator grill is missing and the "Canvas" top is broken. So starting on a broken one seems to make the most sense. As I do intend to base them all it will need a base. I am thinking hardboard. This will allow me to cut and "stretch" the vehicle. I know this will be a hard job so expect it done over the Christmas period. Although I do hope to start to "Chop" it next week. I might do a step by step walk through.
Knowing that someone... you know who you are! Will ask about both rules and Figures. I can confirm I already have the figures and will get more as soon as I can acquire them both at the right price and condition. But you will see below that I already have some.
Rules wise I am looking at 3. Osprey "Gaslands" which MAY be either good or bad I have yet to see. "Gorka Morka" the old GW set but heavily modified, or "Mad dogs with guns!" which are a 1920-30's gangster set but just may be right.
That's it for today. And NOW I best get on with the Painting of Burpas and get my head out of the clouds.
All the Best Clint