Given the overtime I have worked this week it is little surprise how little painting I have managed. Although the brush has been still the mind has been active. The beginning of the year I was talking down the club about possible games, one of the members said that they had never done any "Cold War Wargaming". In my late teens it was either Dungeons and Dragons or Modern wargaming with very little variation, perhaps the odd game of traveller as one of my early group went on to become an astrophysicist . Makes you wonder where it all went wrong for me! Still moving on.
I still have two "armies" in 6mm packed away on a shelf covered in dust. One German and one Russian so It would not be the biggest leap to start playing again. Having talked (via email) to a friend in the Maidstone club is seems he still plays this period and is active on one of the forums. I won't go into too much detail but lets just say he is the kind of player who uses a spray can for more than undercoat on his 1/300th scale figures. (I am sure you get the idea). While this approach would not suit me it does him and who am I to criticise.

In my pondering I suspect this period is having a minor revival, or may be due one. Force on Force carry a scenario book called "Cold War Turns Hot." This is by far their best selling supplement or so they claim on their own forum. Force on Force can be played in any scale, but to me it is best suited to the larger scales of 15mm or larger. SO I have dragged out my old rules to see if they are as complicated as I remember them, or if being older and more learned in the ways of the rules writers they are simpler than I remember. Challenger 2 was the rules of choice back then, but as I occasionally see "Cold War Commander" on eBay a more recently published set of rules I think that also might be worth a look. The rules my friend uses are are available FREE online if I join their forum so I shall also look there as well as I would gain an opponent straight away, and one who is itching for a game, his normal adversary having passed away last year.
Time will tell if this is a flash in the pan idea or if it has legs. But for now it is something to think about because at present I like the idea of a few games with lots of figures on the table. Now to me due to time space, storage and money lots of figures and a new project means smaller scales. It is therefore possible that I shall start to think about building some 6mm terrain boards in the next week or two. In an ideal world the terrain would need to be northern Europe is feel and be versatile enough for as many periods as possible. Perhaps a generic 20th Century board will be the best setting as It could concievably be used from Fraco Prussian war al the way up to Modern and even Post Modern. I need to think on this further before I start though.

All this Nostalgia has taken me back more years than I care to consider to the extent that I am even craving childhood treats. Hence the Nesquik! Yes I did buy a tub before you say and it is not quite as good as I remember, but it is still enjoyable. I will probably go shopping on Monday now and see what else I can find.... Second childhood? I never escaped the first! I hope to get something painted today, but I am reliant on the postman to deliver a couple of things to help me progress items on the paint table which I have already started. I don't want to get into the trap of starting something fresh and loosing interest on what is already started (in this instance more 15mm Sci Fi figures/Vehicles), but I fear that is a possibility if the postie is lax today and being a Saturday he just may be.
I am not sure If I can get to the club tomorrow, but will endeavour to post again on Monday. Until then thanks for reading and take care Clint.