Yes more Back of Beyond (BoB) figures today. Again they are 20mm IT Miniatures available from here. (
LINK). They are in fact White Russians BUT the Uniforms were almost identical to the Red army of the region or indeed the Chinese warlord armies of the same era. Yes there are differences but not huge ones and I for one am willing to forgive them on the wargames table.
Indeed IF I want to get more and more factions I will get the same figures and change a few areas like painting the uniforms grey for Chinese Warlord armies, or Making the top of the cap red just todesignate Red Russians. (Red peaked caps were used on some Red Russian units, but not all. )

As you can see I now have 3 squads of 8 figures each, including 2 armed with pistols to represent leaders (Rules suggest no more than 1 in 10). I also have 2 trucks painted for the force as well. Which given the era would make them VERY mobile. After-all motorised transport was not terribly common most defiantly not as common as today in Western Europe.

I am not stopping with this force just yet either. I may have a better use for these lorries! Next up for the force may be an artillery piece OR some MGs, Not sure yet it all depends on the bases I have at hand. Anyway these are now boxed up and put away. Ready for a game in the next few months ONCE I have another force.
OTHER NEWS: I do have a choice of figures for the NEXT LotR figure. So if you have a STRONG choice Good or Bad foot or Mounted I can now do any of them. IF left to my own devices it will be King Théoden as he has waited patiently on the painting desk for over a year.
Finally I think the club has settled on a game for the next show. But this may well change as more people get back to me with ideas and suggestions. But more of this if/when it happens.
That's it for now, take care have fun and just do your best at what ever you are doing!
Kind Regards Clint