Also I have done NO painting except 30mins yesterday. So now when I pick a paint brush up again it feel uncomfortable some how.

And it's a big however! Everyone has a different idea about Science fiction wargaming. Take aliens as an example! Should they be men in a rubber suit? I would like them not to be. I am equally aware that someone would say symmetrical bipeds are the most logical way intelligent life would evolve. So (and this is where you come in) if I wanted some 15mm aliens who makes the best ones?

As for vehicles I already have those all sorted ou, but as yet unpainted, from an eBay purchase about 5 years ago. It is not important to me that the Aliens and the vehicles look the same.. After all humans look NOTHING like any tanks we have ever produced ! As I already have a set of vehicles in 15mm that I want to use it is of no use to me pointing out company P produce the most fabulous vehicles and they go with these infantry! To do so is a waste of your time and typing skills.So forget all about vehicles for the moment!