Saturday 19 May 2012

Village centre WIP

 Ok I'll admit it, I have put of work on the last board because I did not know what I was going to do. Then time started running out and I had to bite the bullet. As such I have decided to make the last board more a village centre set around an open area which could at times also function as a market square. All the buildings are clustered together. Take "Building 1" for example the section with the lower roof may or may not be a separate building or even 2 separate buildings. 
Building 1 Has the tallest building in the village centre. As such it could have a number of different functions. I can use it as a Mosque which means the coalition can't target it too much and air strikes are really not on. Or I can imagine it as the Village leaders residence, a local politicians house, a drug dealers dwelling or any other significant building in a small village, even a school. I looked at pictures of Mosques and some of them are really small and plain while others are big and highly decorated. So I made this to be deliberately ambiguous in function, with a couple of small workshop businesses tacked on the back.
Building 2 is equally nebulous in function they could be dwellings or shops or anything that a small village needs. But probably not a "Pub" perhaps a doctors or a shoe mender might be more in keeping. All that matters is that they are small buildings huddled together.
Buildings 3 and 4 are likewise open to interpretation with regard to what function they would carry out in the village, but there exact relationship to the village occupants does not need to be detailed. They are just General village buildings clustered together sharing walls with each other and getting the "feel" of a village.

Construction they are all made from "Grey board" cut with a scaple and glued using white wood glue to a thin mdf (2-3mm thick) base. In the same manner as all the other building I have created for this project.

As I have mentioned when displaying the compounds (and can be seen on building 4) I don't really plan what they will look like before I start. All I do is plan where they will go on the board, mark which edges face road and then start cutting the card.

As we now only have three weeks to go before BROADSIDE. Now is time to take stock. The show seems to be on course. The club tee shirts have taken a step backwards with the realisation that I was being over ambitious with their design.The Moon boards are finished and ready for Ainsty castings. I now just need to finish this game. I want it finished in 2 weeks time. I feel that is realistic but it will mean me pulling my finger out and stop procrastinating. But I think it should happen. Everything is set and ready to be finished so it's just a case of doing it.

That's today's Blog, Thanks for looking I'll post again Monday. Cheers Clint

Post Script: I had to edit post due to missing pics, which are now added.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Sniper team

 AS you can see I have started painting the British troops for the Afghanistan game. These two (yeah only 2 today) are Elhiem ( really nice figures, well proportioned, well cast and most importantly they come in the right mix of weapons for British Squad composition. As already mentioned these are 20mm figures, but the sculpting is of a quality associated with 28mm figures. All in all I am very happy with my purchase of them.

I hope to have a terrain shot ready for the next post on Saturday. Hope you'll pop by and have a look then. All the Best Clint.

Monday 14 May 2012


I managed to paint some British stuff over the weekend. Here are two WMIKs, (Weapons Mount Installations Kit) pronounced Wimik. As you can see they are armed differently, the one on the left has a .50 heavy machine gun in in the back in addition to a 7.62mm GPMG next to the driver. The one on the right has an Automatic Lightweight Grenade launcher (ALGL) made I believe by Hekler and Kock. The HMG version is the most commonly encountered but as Britnnia ( make both versions of course I was always going to purchase both models. The crew are metal as are the wheels, but the chassis in resin. They were easy enough to put together and I would recommend them as a nice fun bit of kit to wander around your Afghan battle set up. They don't look anywhere as slick as American Hmmvs but to me they actually look better. They are also a lot smaller being based on a Landrover Defender chassis. But if you want any more details there's plenty more on Google. From my point of view they are a couple of lightweight fighting vehicles for the Brits.
I posted on this blog on the wrong dates over the weekend. It was probably only me that noticed, however back to posting every other day from now on. On an unrelated note my mind is now wandering to Post Broadside ideas and thinking about what of the many projects I should tackle next as I can at last see the end of the tunnel with regard to this project.
I can't mention anything about what the club is doing on Sunday I don't think it's sorted out yet. I know some of the guys read this and might email me with what they want to do, but as yet nothing is decided.

That's today's Blog, Thanks for reading take care and next blog post will be Thursday. All the Best Clint