The back of Mole and the Front of Toad. Clearly a lot of green and brown on Toad just to keep in with the wind in the willows. while Mole is lots of dark grey.
Then there was an older gent, perhaps fallen on hard times and with a tommy gun behind his back so while at distance he may not be such a good shot close up watch out!
I am not so very sure about the gent on the right, but he could easily be a conductor on a trolley bus or perhaps he works front of house in a Cinema theathre.
I did first think of the guy on the right as a game keeper but he could be a gentleman farmer. The clothes look better quality than a poacher so for me he is a farmer of quite a sizable estate, or the estate manager of a mansion/stately home.
A dashing game hunter with shot gun (on the right). But preferring a shotgun than a rifle. And with the kind of bleached teeth only an American would aspire towards!
On the right, I nicknamed this figure "The Major" when I was painting him. The "Pink" hunting jacket might just as likely be an old dress uniform.
The Man servant, back from the far flung depths of the British empire ready to help "the Major" should he ever need it.
And Finally 2 Ironclad figures from the Raj. Matt wants them to be the owner/operator of Balty Towers an Indian hotel-restaurant so who am I to disagree. And even the flag has three towers on it (but hard to see in the group picture). I am sure Matt will divulge more as time passes.
Thanks For looking. I am slowly getting my act together. So with luck the next blog post will be Monday.
Until then, take care and have fun!
Cheers Clint.