Last week I reported missing some pics of the stuff I had been painting. Well I found them. By which I mean the camera found them. They did not appear one day but were there a few days later. And here they are.
They are all for Matt and part of his ever growing Sudan Collection. They are all also Egyptian, Matt knows I like painting them. And I think they are all old glory figures in 28mm.

Most are spare artillery crew figures along with 1 Nordenfelt Machine gun (
Link to Wiki ). Clearly 4 of the figures, those in blue are officers, not just because they are pointing!
These to me are now "Old news" as they have already been returned to Matt and mighty pleased he was too.
Elsewhere on the painting table at least for now I have some Mahdist Cavalry (as well as 3 Madist foot) so expect them next week or maybe if you are unlucky for the next few weeks.
Of my own projects I have my last Deepone. He (or maybe it is a she... I cannot tell) was delayed because I could not find a suitable base. Now however a base has been found and I can crack on as fast as I like.
A Zombie... From the walking dead game nearly finished now and should be OK to show next week.

A platoon of 15mm WW2 Japanese finished at last. Purchased in February and now just about ready for a game or two. I will admit Vampifan reignited this project by giving me enough funds to buy the Type I Ho-Ro Tank destroyers. I will admit they put me into a buying frenzy for the project and I am now just about ready.. or I will be when I start painting up some armour, Well Tankettes at least.

I shall do a post about this project probably on Sunday. With everything painted so far. But I still have some stragglers on the painting table as well. But I hope to finish them over the weekend. Fingers crossed.
Well that tells you what is coming up. I must say I am looking forward to the Japanese as I have in the past played VERY little Pacific and far east Games.
Of the two I am hoping for more Pacific Japanese Vs American games, but I know Graham (at the club) wants more Far East games.
Finally there are 5 Napoleonic French on the table as well. Almost forgot those.
Right that is enough waffle. Have a good weekend and try not to get caught doing things you should not be doing! ((By her in doors!)
All the best Clint