Firstly I would like to say a big thank you to everyone for their support over my "Windows 10" fiasco. Needless to say it did cause me to worry but not sufficiently to cause a major distraction. Normal sleep patterns have been resumed!
I have ditched Windows 10 for the foreseeable future and returned to windows 8.1. It is not my favourite OS (that would be Windows IT) but in my opinion far better than Windows 10. I am confident that in a year or two Windows 10 will be a very good operating system. As it stand though I did not find that to be the case so I have swapped back to windows 8.1
The swap back was very easy and it restored all my saved setting, all my saved blogs and places on the internet and all my saved passwords. Being dyslexic remembering passwords is a real problem for me so I am very grateful I did not have that hassle. Whereas windows 10 DELETED all my passwords! So I will let you guess which one I am happy with and which one I am not!
I plan to be back to blogging normally in 2 days as this windows 10 disruption has put my painting schedule 2 days behind.
Thank you all for your Patience and let's get back to normal as quickly as possible!
Cheers Guys, all the best from Kent and me .
Catch you later.