Yes I have bitten the bullet. To the right is a pic of the wild west 15mmm stuff Ihave found going WAY back. It is so old that the company that sold it split in two and today neither of the companies exist, Yet a successful search of the internet and most of the models are still available. Some I am still struggling to track down though.
So anyway I have started the re-paint. In doing so I am surprised on how well painted it was in the first place!

So anyway here are the first units. All the figures today were "Table-top Games" figures TTG which then split it 2 I have no idea why nor do I care much! And the figures became Table top Miniatures (TTM). Now some while later they are Part of the "Alternative Armies" Range. Who I must say had some excellent online service. All figures required were dispatched and arrived within 3 days. And being honest you can't say much better then that.
These are painted as part of the 10th Cavalry. The so called "Buffalo soldiers". Final markings have yet to go on the flag, but only a "10" in the Red and a single (Company) letter in the white. As I have yet to decide on a company it has not been done yet.

This shall not be the end of them as I have another company already in the pre-paint. In the rules I shall use6 bases is the maximum allowed for a "Veteran" unit so that isall I have shown here. 5 Bases of rank and file troops and one officer. Other units can have up to 10 bases for "Green" troops.
Also as part of the 10th Cavalry I have a single unit of artillery. (The most any force is allowed. As such I have it both limbered (for moving) and Un-limbered (for firing). I would be entitled to a MG IF I forgo the artillery. But in the rules you cannot mix and match, it's either one or the other. But just imagine the fun I shall have in the future and feel free to take a wild guess at what I shall be buying soon. (No more Hints!)
The final picture shows the goodies I have purchased this week towards the project!

I shall be honest I did want to build a wild west fort. Unfortunately they are not covered in the rules. You never know it might just float my boatr enough to do one anyway. It will mean making up my own rules for it. BUT WHO DOES not want a Wild WEST fort! (I do and I am sure I am not alone.!
General Custer did make use of a river paddle steamer (Far West by name). While there are no rules for paddle steamers you can bet your bottom dollar that I have also thought about making one! Bet I do not though. Far to much like hard work and far too seldome used I suspect!
Anyway that's it for today. Jon from my university days is building a Sioux Indian Force and that is the main reason I have started on the cavalry! It means we can do some real Wild West actions pretty cheap and easy.
More again soon as I am already itching to paint some more Cavalry as wel as a few "Liability" markers.
All the best Clint