Yes I felt the urge to do some wild west wargaming. It has now quickly past. But while I was in the mood I did manage to paint (roughly) a Wargames Terrain Workshop (WTW
LINK) 28mm Cactus. Personally I like the sculpt, very well cast and clean and easy to paint. Just what I want from a Cactus. I am sure it will fit well into a wold west setting with NO difficulty!
It cost just £3 and was a joy to paint. Model wise, very well cast with no flash and no Moulding lines. So a real minimum of clean up. So really just a prime and paint.
I am tempted to get a few more but as wild west is currently not my thing I will hold off a while longer. But be aware when Wild West Wargaming does rear it's head with me again I shall nip out and buy some more.

I was going to grit the base but a simple paint was all that was required. We did not want to guild the lily to much so I have kept it simple. The taller cactus clup (I am sure there is a better word but at present it escapes me0, is tall and wide enough for a 28mm cowboy to hide behind. While the rest are either waist or chest height. Overall I am very pleased with the cactus and while at present Dave only makes (I think) 1 variety of these if there was more I should get one of each! No that is not a cue to make more. As previously mentioned I am not in a wild west sort of mood.
That's it for today, back to painting some 28mm Colonials for Matt, which I hope to show soon.
Thank for looking more again soon. All the best Clint.