Ok back on the 6mm Sci fi. Here are the last of the heavy tanks. Before anyone says I have not finished yet. (APCs, Infantry and "Jeeps" to go on this faction).
They are Brigade Models (
LINK ) and incredibly easy to paint. basically 3 colours and 2 on the base. A general tan a wash or dark tan and black on the hover skirts. Very quick and easy and done in a couple of hors including drying.

I do need to build up a second force AND find some rules I like but for now that can wait. The second force will be CDSU for those familiar with their universe. (Or Chinese if you do not know their universe!).
Quick simple and now done.

I am still pondering my options in 15mm Sci fi. Current thinking is that I will use Kra Vak INFANTRY but no vehicles. I could go into details but as I am likely to order them this week I can wait for their arrival before I do.

Elsewhere on the painting table. I have been painting Aeronef..
These are all British ships and belong to MATT. I have to paint them propped up on pencils as he attaches a gizmo underneath to allow them to go on flying stands.
Needless to say this does cause as many issues as it solves in the painting.

Thee are both british battleships and should cause so in game head-aches. As they are quite formidable.
Again by Brigade models and of all the things I am likely to paint the things I like least.
That's it for today. More coming soon or at least soonish!
I plan to make terrain up the shed tomorrow but enough of that in a later post. (terrain for 15mm Sci Fi!
Have a good weekend and more when I egt things finished.
All the best Clint