For those few of my members who do not know..... Chris over at
http://cstoesen.blogspot.co.uk Also know as "Wargaming Odds and ends!" runs a
SANTA CLAUS event where people each paint a figure and send it to another blogger. It is a great idea. But last year it just did not work out for me. I painted a figure and sent it of hoping to get one in return. That after all is the plan of the whole event. I saw the figure I sent off arrive and get posted on my recipients blog. And that was great I had done my part. The one coming for me had not arrived before Christmas. So I thought it would arrive by New Year. It did not. I contacted Chris and let him know. Chris was brilliant and in no way do I affix any blame on him. None what so ever. he is a decent bloke. But needless to say I was disappointed.

I contacted Chris again on 1st May as still no Santa Claus painted figure had arrived. By this stage I had gotten over the disappointment (well only just).
In October Chris put the call out again for Santa Claus painted figures on his blog (A good blog and worth a look if you don't know it). So In the comments section I explained that mine had not arrived but despite this I was willing to paint a figure for another blogger if theirs did not arrive as it was either lost or not sent.
I thought no more about it... Until Friday! I contacted Chris once more and was informed
Chris's email reply below.
"I had actually several people ask me about it who wanted to do something. I am glad that you are happy about it. The hobby has many very good people in it. Every now and then there are exceptions.
Merry Christmas.
So I just want to thank the very kind person who has done this for me. I am very thankful and very pleased to be part of such a great and generous hobby. To you sir (or Madam) I raise a glass and drink your health. It will be opened with much delight on the 25th
Mean while back at the ranch! I have done just a little bit of prep. Not giving anything away, but these will not be the first things I paint. That will most likely be some Zulus. Or some WW1 Cavalry, not sure yet. The Ferdinand (not elephant) is 15mm Zvesda and is my Back up post for the "East Bonus round". It may go in the East Bonus round as Ferdinands never fought in Western Europe, while Elephants did. (and yes there is a difference!)
While Prep does continue I am planning another SOtTR post on Tuesday as I clear my painting table ready for the challenge. So with luck that will be something to look forward to! Or not if you have no interest in SotTR!