Yes some more 15mm Vikings for my second unit in Longships. Longships in case you had forgotten is the Peter Pig game of the same name concerned with Viking/Anglo Saxon warfare.
As we only have 400 points here is another unit ( a small one). ! leader (compolury), 3 Un-armoured stands (again compulrory) and 3 Armoured stands. Only 7 stands in the unit but 3 armoured stands count this unit as superior!

A mixture of makes. Tabletop games, two Dragons, Minifigs and a few I just do not know. So if you do more power to you as I have no idea. But they are all 15mm in size. I do not mind some being taller then others after all we are all different in real life.

I went for a Blue and white shield colour scheme just to conveniently tell one unit apart from another and NOT being historically accurate. As this will count as a Superior unit I hope it will aquit itself quite well on the tabletop although I know a few bad dice rolls and the unit will flee. But this will be the standard unit composition of my force. At least until a few games in and I reserve the right to reassess te force when I see how it plays.
That's it for now. More 15m coming soon and some 28mm now started. Until next time take care and paint as much as you feel like.