Yesterday I had an email from Karl at Crooked Dice asking if I could sort out an alternative game for the show next weekend (Skirmish). The background to the email is that I had previously tried to explain then the big "Crooked-Dice" participation game which last about 3 hours (give or take) might be wrong for this provincial show. As a club we can run it, but I doubt we would get people willing to spend quite so long as they might at other shows. I may well be totally wrong of course and it actually might be exactly the right show. However the conculsion to our email conversation is that smaller quicker games might be more appealing.

The long and the short of it was that I am trying (at this late stage) to get an alternative game sorted out. As I had previously made a moon scape this seemed a good place to start. I have given it a very quick tidy up and so far so good. I had also previously made a crashed flying saucer so this would make an objective for one of the game ideas. I gave it a complete re-paint to match the moonscape and to take the saucer from bright silver to a more bronze metallic. The silver and grey just looked too monochrome. Given that the science Fiction of the 1970's was dominated by bright colour perhaps due the the widespread use for the first time of colour TV into peoples homes to me it was important to reflect that in the game. Hence a repaint. Foolish perhaps, but it just made sense to me and fits very nicely with the 7TV rules. Anyway so the very quick repaint went ahead and I think it looks better for it, so I am happy. It also photographs better.So the crashed space ship will be one objective for players to squabble over..

I will need a second objective as well. If the Alien menace were to be defending the ship, it made sense that the humans would also need something to defend. At Broadside I purchased a couple of science fiction buggies from Ainsty Castings ( These were either £3 or £4 each but I remember I got 3 for £10 and consider that a bargain, the picture on the right shows all three which I managed to get finished yesterday (while in a painting panic). I will start to write the scenarios tomorrow as well as work out the forces involved.

I plan to keep them very small and simple, and aimed at introducing new players to the game. Which is the whole point of playing this game at a show anyway. I intend to keep the two orange buggies together and treat them as one articulated vehicle. The yellow having 6 wheels is sufficiently different from the orange ones, with 8 wheels, to make them appear to be different vehicles so they needed different colour schemes again in the bright colours of 1970's Sci-fi. Anyway I have a lot more panic painting to accomplish before the show. I do however feel confident that I can do so. At present I need more alien adversaries for the guys in space suits, only time will tell what I manage to achieve. Looks like a busy week for me.
The other point is that the show (SKIRMISH) is on Sunday 23rd September in Sidcup Kent. Should anyone be coming, Posties Rejects perhaps, please pop by and say hallo, maybe sit down and roll some dice as well as I do intend the game to be participation. I plan to run two scenarios at the same time with the club playing one side if insufficient participants are available. As you can tell it is all up in the air and I'll just have to see who the pieces land.
That's it for today. Thanks for reading have a good weekend and I HOPE to post again on Sunday. All the Best Clint.