Well the title says it all. I have everything painted in time for tomorrows game. Or have I?
Starting with 5 tribal cavalry. Firstly I have not had any message back from Matt so I am not sure if he has seen these yet. So he may want things changed. He probably will not but no problem if he does.

I suspect they are either Foundry or more likely Perry miniatures but alas I o not know. But I am confident some one will and that they will tell me. If I had to Guess I would say Perry miniatures based on the horses.

I have painted them in a random collection of colours so they should fit the tribal feel of the force, with some members having more money and being able to afford more colourful cloh and others less well of and having to buy the cheaper colours. I will admit that is all guess work on my part. So it could be very misleading indeed.

2 Officers for the Egyptian army. The one dressed in white is clearly European. While the one in the blue uniform is possibly Middle eastern and equally possibly Italian, Greek Spanish or even from Southern France or the Balkans.
Matt suggested the colours on these figures so I am confident they at least will e what he wants. Again not sure of the manufacture and more than happy for a more learned soul to inform me.

And while I cannot do a group shot I can at least show all the cavalry together. So the Last pic has all 7 of them in one shot.

Lastly I know Matt looked long and hard (Well that is what he told me anyway)to find an Egyptian MG> these I do know are from Old Glory. ! Officer and 4 crew and painted in the heat wave in a matter of 2 days. The result was my red paint and a brown paint dried up and needed to be thrown away. I suspect there will be a few more as well like the dark blue (I know that was on it's last legs). As a consequence I will need to replace them tis week. maybe on Monday depends on what I am painting next. If Matt reads this before Sunday it will e more of the same and I will have to order paint as fast as possible. I am only semi joking when I type this as I am sure he will already
Anyway despite the heat these really were fun to paint and being mostly in one colour were relatively easy.

That is it for today. But if possible have a productive painting weekend.
All the best Clint