Just 4 15mm figures painted and based and now ready for action. I did wonder about the colour of the berets finally settling on Blue (Generals Bodyguard have white) as blue and white are the national colours. LOL but they were very nearly yellow.
Inspired by some of your comments about Aeronef boarding actions I decided to make a cheap board. So I nipped in to Poundland and bought 2 packs of floor tiles maybe I should have bought 3 but this will tell me if the idea works. My thought is that if I coat them in the old blue peter "Sticky back plastic" (also bought from Poundland) the floor tiles will act as the base board for minimal expense! I Will let you know if this works. My initial thoughts is that it will, but I have no idea how 1) easy it will be (I am hoping for very) and 2 Light and portable it will be (Again hoping for very). As always you shall be the second (After myself) to know.

And Finally I succumbed! I bought the Rule book Maximillian '34. I do intend a review after the club have seen it and I have finished reading it and I will be most interested in how it compares to Gaslands . So no review yet but initial thoughts are positive, with all rule sets you always think why have they done it that's way and what if. But so far so good. But be aware there is not a lot of BACKGROUND about the world setting in the book but that can be positive as much as negative.
I shall give more details when I have read it unless I hate it in which case it will hardly be mentioned again.
Have a good weekend. Al the best Clint