Today I am finishing my AK47 army. I did stop playing AK47 when peter pig re-released the rules back in 2009. There fore I doubt I have ever put anything for this on my blog! (NO JOE NOT A NERW PROJECT! but finishing and old one!). In the "New rules" you are allowed a leader and a bodyguard on the table free of any points charge. In the old rules I was always of the opinion that my "General" would be far to busy elsewhere to make an appearance at the actual fighting. That being the case I never used one. But Under the new rules and as they are free points wise I thought I should get one.

So we have 3 stands for the AK47 Reloaded rules. In my head these are subordinates and not the real general but patsy stand ins used to make the Dictator look good. And I can cope with that!

So 3 extra stands painted. One stand to represent the dictator himself with a single body guard. I have used the name General "Ukoomba" just as a made up name and not wishing to insult any nations language I just used a name that sounded right in my head. If this is a real word and is seen as offensive to anyone. Let me know what language and I will try to change it.
As you also get a stand of Bodyguards free (points wise) I have 3 body guards on a stand. I gave them white berets to make them stand out as I was not happy with any other colours. Green tended to blend in, red and blue already have far to many uses and yellow is hard to paint so White was my choice.
The last stand is a dead dictator. Just because one came in the pack but I cannot see it ever being used after all my armies never loose and my generals never get shot. No sir to even think so would be treason.
Just to make it officially clear I have stopped playing this. For me it was not working. I appreciate the time and effort you guys put in. But I was finding it more a chore than a joy so I have ceased. I do intend to run a game of some kind in the future, but one that is easier to control.
So just want to say thanks to those who were playing.