"Why has Tweak only got one ear?" The young voice said.
"Because I dropped him on the concrete and it broke off and shattered!"
Came the reply.
"Oh" was the only answer and the mystery of the one eared Tweak was explained.
Yes I did drop it on the concrete and it did shatter. Which IS a shame, but it did reach me from Dave (
wargamesterrainworkshop.co.uk/) at WTWin a fine condition and NO blame in any way attaches itself to him because of my clumsiness.
The Character of "Tweak" should be clear to ant of a certain age who read 200ad comics. If you did not read 2000ad I can't help you but I can sympathise and suggest you had a deprived childhood!
Here is a comic book version. He appeared along with Judge Dredd and as a character Tweak was not particularly enjoyed by me. But it was a free figure and as such was painted with much gratitude. I realise some people would have thought Tweak was the best thing since sliced bread and I mean to take nothing away from that view. Just saying to me he was a distraction and to me did not add very much to the JD storyline.

I suspect the figure was sculpted by Dave. (Thanks Dave) And It is a fine figure. As you can see I have stuck to the same colours as the comic and the figure does sit well with my other JD figures. However as I do not play Judge Dredd very much he is not likely to have very much table time.
Sorry the pics are so dark, It's winter and a flash will only do so much. Most importantly it is another figure done and one I will not (I think) be doing again.
I hope to post again in a few days but that does depend on how real life is in the mean time. So far it is being good to me.
Until then, take care, have fun and try to find something decent on TV (I can't|)