I will admit that I am a little torn about this being the last Zombtober weekend or not. SO I may post one more if I get one done next weekend. Not that I have any started, but they are at least in the painting line.
Anyway another Zombie Wild West Gunfighter. Of them all I think this is my favourite sculpt. I like the lurching forward movement and for no other reason. And It is only as I type this that I realise the figure is left handed. Very sinister! Now I am wondering how many left handed figures I have and how many of those are zombies. Hmmmm! He fits in with the others and that's all that matters at this stage.

I have also included a group shot of what I have achieved in Zombtober! 1 survivor on a motorbike and 3 wild west zombie gunfighters. Not the biggest amount painted in a month for a project, but I have managed to do one every week which I feel happy about.
The other thing I should mention is Dwarvember. I am in two minds about this I do have some 10mm dwarfs to paint, so I may get involved and I may not. As I do want to continue with current projects that I have enthusiasm for and not get side-tracked. I have some more Samurai on the paint table and some more PBI. Mentioning PBI I wasted a day thinking about a new army which did stem from a comment Mathyoo made. I realised that an Aerosan force on skis and some t-34's would look really cool. Then it dawned on my I don't think I would ever use it, nor could I find any 15mm WW2 Russian figures on skis! So eventually the idea faded!

Anyway I think this is Zombtober drawing to a close for me. As mentioned above I still have a couple more gunfighters to do so while the painting month is coming to an end the painting and project is not!
That's it for today thanks for looking. Have a good weekend I hope the storm (St Jude) passes by without incident to you and yours. All the best and another update on Tuesday.
Post script: Re-working the waterfall on the TAR7AN board..... No you can't have a photograph just yet!
Cheers then, Clint