Strange as it may seem I am moving away from 28mm for this project, (yes I am fickle!) Originally I felt that 28mm was the way to go but on reflection I now think 20mm will be a better choice. So why the change? Well I am glad you asked! There are 2 main reasons. Firstly Tim at the club wants to do the project in 20mm. When doing a project it is always worth having at least one person to encourage you and work with you. Tim may very well be that person. Additionally Relfie (Relfy) has a small force of 20mm 1940's French troops in 1/72 scale. This would immediately get Relfy involved as he bought them already painted and thus really would be ready to go at a moments notice. It is possible, but unlikely, that he might paint some arm bands or insignia so that they could be more in keeping. I shall not hold my breath however. Ian could also feild a 1939-40 German army, but I would fear that it might concentrate far too much on armour. I am willing to be prove wrong though!
The Second reason is that Both Frontline Wargaming and IT Miniatures are run by club members. Obviously it is nice to support club members and their war gaming companies. IT miniatures produce a very wide range of 20mm WW1 figures including Russian Civil War, Portuguese, East African and several other minor conflicts. They are also willing to sell individual figures so you can get exacly what you want from their range. While closer inspection of Frontline Wargamings range of 20mm WW2 vehicles also includes some civilian vehicles, a couple of home guard vehicle (a delivery van and a tractor) as well as very early war vehicles like the Vikers-Crosley 1928 pattern armoured car and the Vikers-Cardon-Loyd 1936 pattern light tank as well as many other useful bits and bobs. Given that I was to put a WW1 game on for IT miniatures at the BROADSIDE show this year (2013) I will speak with them at the club tomorrow and see if they are happy for me to do a VBCW show game instead.
So there you have it, my progress in what may now be seen as a 28mm dead end and my reasons to change scales to 20mm. I plan to post again on Monday until then take care and keep your chin up old boy! Pip Pip and Toodle-Ooo