Just on the VERY last parts of the Morris Dancers but the dark clouds are thickening the sky and I will finish them tomorrow. Oh yes I will. But Rather than let today pass without a blog trace. I thought to let you in on my current project, which I am only just starting 3 years after I said I would (Ok It might be 4 years!)
At present I am in a bit of a pickle on how to start. If you have not read the books it is set in a fictional Cold War with the heat turn up to full. Yes Chemical, Biological AND Nuclear warfare has broken out in Europe (All pretty bleak but not a bad wargames setting.) There are some "New" equipment like the hovercraft shown on the novel but generally it is all in a 1980's vintage.
So I know one side will be the Soviets (and Allies) so I will start by painting a platoon of them. I only want a platoon size table wargame as that is the size that I prefer to play in most game settings. 3 Squads and a bit of support that should do me.

So in preparation of my toy soldiers arriving I RE-painted a couple of vehicles from my AK47 army, namely 2 Landrovers. The figures are 15mm QRF models and now painted to represent BAOR (British Army On/Of the Rhine). These will MOST likely not be part of any finished force so do not get excited and suggest they will be easy kills for the odd wandering T72. They were only painted to get me in the MOOD! Nothing more.

But they have gotten me in the mood for some Modern wargames. At the Club tomorrow I hope to chat with a couple of like minds and first determine should I use BTR 60's or BMP 1s or even MT-LBs for my main soviet APC. AND what force shall I use to oppose them. Could be British, Canadian, American, West German, Dutch it could even be French! As yet no firm ideas. But It will happen and happen soon I think!
There is very little in my AK Army that I can re use so I may be starting with a blank canvas.
Thanks for dropping by and I should have another post on Monday, probably an AAR of VBCW that has previously been mentioned.
All the best Clint