Well I did forget my camera, but Graham took some photos and sent them to me. So not too much choice of pictures.
Tim set up a colonial club game for us yesterday. We used the Blackpowder rules and his figures and terrain. Only 2 of us had used the rules before and we are both dyslexic so it was slow going! WE had to look up many things but got there in the end.
I was cut off in a camp and very low on ammunition. Only able to fire 10 times before the supply caravan reached me. I had two units (Companies) and one Gatling gun. The Gatling gun would use up 2 shots each time it fired and each company would use 1 ammo point each time they fired. Colin pictured above had the supply convoy 3 companies of Infantry and 1 company of cavalry to protect the supplies and come and rescue me. Tim and Graham each had about 6 units of Marhdist troops in addition Tim had a smoothbore cannon and some Camalry, while Graham had some cavalry. They each had some hidden units. The rest would arrive in random positions on the table edge.
The Anglo Egyptians had the first move. Colin sent scouts ahead and moved his cavalry to screen the left flank of his column. The Mardist troops started to arrive. Colin's Cavalry charged some Ansar., Both forces came to a standstill one rolling very good dice and the other player rolling poorly. Down near my camp some Ansar came in range so I shot at them and missed everything. The following turn I hit everything so the Dice gods were not being unkind. Anyway the Camels were making slow progress towards me and I though that I would get support before I was over run.

Colin was being cautious both being unfamiliar with the rules and wary of ambush. After 3 turns the camel train stopped and never moved again for the rest of the game. AHHHH! I need ammo! Colin had problems of his own. He put his troops into line and started firing at the rotten Ansar of Graham and Tim. He easily kept them at a distance with ranked rifle fire. But this was not helping me. Still as long as my supplies arrive in time I would survive. Tradagy! Colin Blunders an order, the line is pulled out of position and isolated. The Marhdists seize the opportunity and swoop into melee with the company. It fails its break test rolling a 4 on 2d6 and flees the board!

Colin Gets More Cautious. I have six mardist units closing in on my camp and am now down to 4 rounds of ammunition. One group attack the Gatling gun. If the gun is to survive I have to use half my ammunition. I roll a d6 and miss, I am allowed another shot and roll a 1 and jam the gun! The Ansar close assault it and is over run! I have two walls to defend with my Infantry each of my companies facing 2 Ansar. In the first round I use my "steady" ability and pass my morale checks which was nessercary as the Ansar had "Ferocity" allowing them to re-roll misses in the first round of combat. Now out of ammo firing at point blank range I survive (By jammy dice rolls) for three turns until. Graham fudges his orders dice roll twice in a row and can't get his Fuzzies into combat!! So I am only actually out numbered 2 to 1 with no ammo! First one of my companies unit fails it's morale check and flees from the board. my last Company holds the torn bush defences but is eventually driven back having forced 4 of the 6 Marhdist units to flee the field. They are then forced to retreat further into the camp, abandoning the thorn bush defences.
Meanwhile back at the camels. Colin has lost the scouts (tiny unit). He then tries to fill the gap. And pushes his cavalry into melee with the Ansar which are threatening to push through the gap. The Cavalry bounce! They are worn and fail a morale check and are forced to flee the board. Colin still has 2 Infantry units but is now facing a fair amount of Marhdists and has a massive gap in his line. Tim sends his camalry in and they just seize the camel train ahead of Grahams troops. Does not look like I will be getting my ammo now!
Back at the Camp. Graham finally charges with his Fuzzies (beja) and as it is a ferocious charge and as I don't have my defensive thorn bush barricade and no units in support the thin Khaki line dissolves! Game over.
A really good game, the best I have played for ages, such fun. The scenario was really well balanced and the momentum changed sides several times in the battle. It really could have gone any way it just did not go the British way this time.
More painting on Wednesday. Thanks for reading and with luck I will see you soon.
All the best Clint!