Yesterday at the club I had another game of "Square Bashing" the Peter Pig WW1 rules. We were playing the Russian Civil War and me and Peter had a Red Army Assault force, while the opposing White Army was commanded by Tim and Colin. Our mission was to take the objectives, the objectives being 3 bridges across a river and establish a bridge head.
Centre Bridge. |
Peter and myself quickly concluded that 3 objectives were a bridge to far and we formulated a plan to concentrate on two and station troops close to the third one so we could contest it. So Peter took the Right bridge and I took the Centre and the left bridge. The left bridge would just hold a token force so we could dispute it at the end.
Centre Bridge preparing for the Assaults
and Right Bridge After the Cavalry Charge. |

While I ready for my troops to assault the centre bridge Peter Leads his Cavalry straight across the bridge and in a very charge of the light brigade way manages not to get them all wiped out (he's just not trying hard enough). They fail a morale check and fall back, back across the bridge. But Peter has some crack troops (in Blue) Ready to take their place and continue pushing forward.
And then we go! I push over the bridge and severely damage the tank defending and push the infantry back.
I take no casualties and take the objective. Naturally elevated I am unbeatable!
So with a badly battered (1 stand left) conscript unit in the wood to my right and a heavy machine gun. Or a tank (severely damaged) a battered Infantry unit and a crack infantry unit reinforcing them. I of course choses the wrong one to assault and get pushed back by the conscripts! Colin Brings down some off table artillery and brings two of my 3 units down to a battered level. Then he assaults them with his tank and crack troops and the worn troops. My troops then Break and fall back across the bridge and one unit routs off table!
Mean while on the right Peter has a failed assault but is not driven back. He holds his ground and in the last turn of the game I through my conscripts across the left bridge and they are soundly beaten but on the last turn I had little to do.
The Red Assault army has taken a battering and is unable to hold onto the bridgehead. Overall Colin and Tim Won the game 40 VP to our 25VP. A good game, but a clear loss.
Thanks for reading and with luck I will post again on Wednesday. One Final picture just for Ray. Hope you faired better in your game than I did in mine. Hope to see you all soon All the best Clint