Well something a little different, not a leather stocking in sight. Nor a gun, sword axe or other weapon of war. Back in 2013 when I entered the Analogue Painting Challenge, Kawe of
Westfalia Miniatures offered each participant a limited edition figure. And here is mine painted up. I received it during the Salute show and at the time though "I have no use for this!" But then I got thinking. Yeah I know It's dangerous. Now I don't know who this figure was in real life, I am sure I could do the research but lets be blunt I am just too lazy to do so!

The figure is 25mm and not 28mm but that is not an issue because people all come in different sizes in real life and it is not uncommon to see people of 5 feet tall and those of 6 feet tall stood in close proximity. So undaunted I set about splashing some colour on her! Given that modern dying techniques were not used prior to 1846 I went for a Peach or coral pink for her gown with lighter pink for the lace and trimmings. Simply because I saw this shade of pink on "Poldark TV Series" worn by "Verity" in one episode, and if the colour was acceptable for the BBC I knew it would be OK for me as well. That may sound like a weak solution but it works for me.
So what will I use the figure for? Well I think it will go in my 3 Musketeer collection, but it could equally well go in with Settlers in the Americas used against my French Indian wars Indians. So not of the greatest use to me but another figure done and dusted, varnished and put away.

I did find here hard to paint but that is probably just my ineptitude and a better painter may have no problems at all. I found the face in particular a challenge but I think it came out OK so I am not displeased at all.

And finally my cousin has returned this week from a vacation in Australia. As such I was given a packet od Australian sweets to try. The chocolate outside was nice but I did not like the interior. I thought looking at the packet that it might be soft and chewy, but it was hard instead. And while I am delighted to have tried them I don't think I will ever again.
So that's a late post for me today as to be honest I was not expecting to finish the figure today at all. I am not sure what will be finished just yet but with luck I should have something finished in a couple more days. So until next time., take care, slap some paint on a figure or two or maybe play a game. All the Best from Kent, England>
Cheers Clint