I have to work in full circles to arrive back at the beginning and waste a load of time, money and effort to no effect!
Should I explain now? Or continue the verbal self flagellation.
After a further 10 minutes of yelling at my self! (I knew you would pick the latter option). I now will explain, go and get a cup of tea and a biscuit and settle back down.
Ahh your back now, good. Comfy then I'll begin.
You may remember back in the new year I said I wanted to do some cold war wargaming. You may also remember that I have been thinking about making some scenery/battle boards for it. Additionally I have been thinking of Arab Israeli wars either 1967 or 1973. yes I know this is cold war era and had considered it as already part of the project. Well the Eureka, break-through, slap forehead, epiphany moment arrived this morning. (About time too!)
Can you guess what it is yet? (Imagine Rolf Harris saying it!)
I already have a 1/300 scale desert hex based modular scenery. Now I grant you my two existing forces are not very Middle eastern........ but what a fantastic starting place. I can no doubt use some bits and bobs with a bit of a repaint!
I even have some spare foam board to make some more desert hexes. And the rest can be tidied up! I may set up a board later in the week and offer some pics!
So I have the scenery already done, the scale all sorted and I am about ready to start! I think I even have the rules (found free on this inter web thingie). And the fly in the ointment is that I am now on a "figure fast!" so I can't buy the extra bits I need.
And this is how my life goes.......
The only question now is 1967 (October war) or 1973 (Yom Kippur War)? I am edging towards 1973 Yom Kippur as it starts with the Israelis on the back foot.
Thanks for reading I just had to bombard some poor unfortunate with it!
TAR7AN board update tomorrow I am still going to work through that before going off on a complete tangent!. This is just me venting as I realise the blindingly obvious! Which I am sure you saw 8 months ago and were too kind to point out! And for not pointing it out I thank you!
Hope to see you again tomorrow, so until then, eat some ice-cream and stay in the shade!
All the best Clint