One of he joys of a decent wargames club is that if someone has something they are not gonna use they pass it on to another player. I did this before Christmas and Yesterday I got something back that I do Intend to use. Kind of like a wargames swap shop.
I passed to Tim (before Xmas) 3 Langton ships and a pack of 10mm ACW buildings as I know he is working on 10mm ACW project (About the only ACW project he is not working on seems to be a 6mm ACW project) and I know he got the "Fighting Sail" rules for Christmas. He asked me what I wanted in return. As Tim Owns (And runs) Both IT Miniatures and Frontline Wargasming. I asked for a few items from those ranges.
Firstly let me say I am VERY happy with the swap as it is things I was going to do but project I have given up on swapped for things I intend to do and have not (as yet) given up on!
Although the pics are unclear here are 2 WW2 Italian armoured fighting vehicles. As I want to do Chain of command in 20mm western Desert The Autoblinda Armoured Car and the CV33 Tankette should I hope pump up the Italian forces. The Tankette is a 2 man Tiny vehicle on the right and the armoured car is on the left,

I also received a WW2 Japanese Machinegun nest also in 20mm. This will not be for WW2 nor the Japanese. (That is a wargames project I have yet to even think about! But It is intended for my Vietnam collection. While not exactly right for that It will still be usable and will get used. I will of course make it harder to see and be seen in not just with paint but also with foliage and it can function as both Viet Mhin and US positions. Not tha I have a plan for a Vietnam base being over run but one can at least day dream.

Finally for a project "Started" a few years ago that sadly stalled very quickly 2 lots as Askari 20mm WW1 East African Troops. These two packs will I hope give me enough for a starting force or two small skirmishing forces in east Africa.

For me WW1 East Africa has a lot of potential the battles were more skirmish based and the battlefields are a very different. While there were Trenches at places they were not on a similar magnitude to the Western front and tha battles did tend to be skirmishes and not mass infantry battles with tanks and Planes and Gas and the like. From what I have read a much more enjoyable affair. And yes Cavalry were used in limited numbers but not for long as the horses tended to die of fever!
But Imagine a game of Skirmishers versus Skirmishers with Germans, British, Indian, Portuguese, Belgium and Native Tribal warriors (The Massai) and it becomes far from a typical WW1 game at all.
Best get something proiductive done so I will sign off for now and let you be about your business.
All the best Clint